Coach : Trainer : Creator
Since 2001 I have worked within Europe and the US, designing and leading learning about the personal communication aspects of Leadership.
For banks and finance (HSBC, Barclaycard, Allianz), for charities (Emmaus, Action Aid), for health and public organisations (NHS, London Underground), for faith groups, (Coventry Diocese), for universities (Exeter, Portsmouth and Chichester), and for multinational companies (ThomsonReuters, Givaudan, BMW and Adidas). I have coached CEO Keynote presentations (British Sugar) and I enjoy teaching, contributing substantially to Leadership Development programmes at Warwick University, London Business Schools and Imperial University. I know that the best learning happens in a positive environment which supports experimentation and reflection and I remain learner-focussed to foster that all-important condition.
I hold a diploma in Executive Coaching from the AOEC and am a qualified DISC practitioner. I am familiar with a wide range of theoretical models of leadership and management and I am practiced in working with tools such as SDI, Myers Briggs, Insights, and EQ-I.
I hold an MA from Kansas University and have spent many years as a professional theatre director, setting up and leading a successful regional theatre company. In addition to work with Dramatic Improvement I continue to explore the comedies and tragedies of human communication through creating theatre.
When seeking to help people fly, I help them explore new perspectives. I hold or engineer real interactions and then give positive, precise and enactable feedback. I have seen how by adjusting what the world sees of you, and revealing more of your authentic self, others will change how they respond to you and strengthen their connections with you.
Here are some things that I’m told I do well:
I am trustee of two education charities, a school governor and a parent of a ferocious rugby player.
“The event was flawless and a real success” Gino DeJaeger, CEO British Sugar