11 Mar Development Centre

Who for:
A premium motor manufacturer (via a learning & development provider).

What required:
As part of a development centre to create a bespoke, immersive in-tray exercise, including roleplay scenarios, to provide experiential evaluation of participants in a range of management roles.

We delivered:
We designed the content for a challenging in-tray exercise, based on a simulated day in the business.  This included paper-based tasks and also live roleplay interactions with staff and customers (using professional business roleplay actors).  The content was written to illuminate participant’s performance against the company’s competencies.

As well as the design work, we provided the roleplay actors to deliver the simulated exercises, using approaches that included one-to-one interaction, hotseat roleplay and telephone roleplay.

Originally designed in 2009, this programme has been regularly updated and still runs today.  Hundreds of participants have been through the programme and received not only feedback during the development centre, but also detailed written feedback from the facilitators, designed to support their onward personal development.

Feedback from the commissioning client:
“Working with Dramatic Improvement has been a highly professional experience and has delivered, from a training and development perspective, a significant improvement in delegate performance.
“The use of role-play in training programmes is not a new concept, but I have found that using Dramatic Improvement has brought a heightened reality that is flexible and focused on the needs of the delegate. Each role-play has significantly delivered a real learning experience that has resulted in a notable shift in performance. The team’s ability to share constructive insights has encouraged development and therefore built confidence in each delegate, along with a desire to push their own development further. The environment and atmosphere that the group create is one of support, honesty, freedom to experiment and excellence.
When your delegates on training events are requesting more role-plays and more feedback, you know its right.”

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