26 Mar Presentation Skills
Who for:
A major UK food manufacturer.
What required:
At a time of major change, support and development for 9 senior staff delivering presentations at a whole company conference event.
We delivered:
A four week approach began with individual phone conversations. Proposed content was understood, hopes and apprehensions shared and a relationship begun.
Two-hour individual sessions followed, developing both the individual style and skills of the presenter and re-structuring of the content, to best relay the messages in the natural style of each presenter.
A week before the event saw half day facilitated sessions with groups of four rehearsing, amending and supporting each other, and the two days before the event were spent in a series of One-to One rehearsals in situ.
The chief Executive who was initially resistant to receiving help, benefitted from a personal and late night session the night before.
The conference to 1200 became known as a significant turning point in the company’s success, enthusing the whole workforce for the new journey. There were also 9 individual legacies of confidence and skill.
“It was a great success – please keep in touch“ CEO
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